Usually, having a few different ways to pay and get cash is the best option for travelers and tourists. That’s because you’ll have a back up plan in case one payment method isn’t accepted for any reason, and you can pick the method that’s best suited to the specific transaction. Having a multi-currency card from a provider like Wise, plus your normal bank debit card, and some local cash in THB should mean you’ve always got options. You can use your cash for small purchases and tipping, and make low cost payments and cash withdrawals with your multi-currency card, while keeping your bank card in reserve for emergencies. Both in the US and in Thailand, steer clear of exchanging currency at the airport. A captive market means that USD/THB rates are often worse in the airport than in city centers.
Since all money in Thailand bears the portrait of the king or a deceased royal family member, this law extends to the handling of currency. Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of Thai Baht. Use “Swap currencies” to make United States Dollar the default currency. Click on United States Dollars or Thai Baht to convert between that currency and all other currencies. Or if you prefer an offline solution you can carry some cash in USD to exchange when you arrive. Currency exchange providers are often in airports and hotels, although the exchange shops in a city center are likely to be cheaper overall.
Coins and Banknotes in Thailand
You can often find the denominations displayed in Arabic numerals and Thai numerals. You can also find hidden Arabic numerals on the lower-left corner of each banknote. In the U.S., people may not handle bills and Forex stoploss coins with much care.
Can you officially pay in USD when you are in Thailand?
For example, the exchange rate of the baht and the British pound is stated as GBP/THB. Thai Baht is the official legal currency of the Kingdom of Thailand (formerly Siam). For coinage, the baht is divided into 100 satangs (comparable to cents in Canadian or US dollars). Get a daily analysis of markets, exchange rates, and news straight in your inbox. If you’re converting between dollars and Thai baht, then you’ll want to look at the USD rate. Because there still weren’t enough Thai coins in circulation to meet the demand, the government allowed three foreign commercial banks to operate and issue banknotes in 1889, 1898, and 1899.
For example, when you use the Remitly app and choose Thailand as your destination, you can see the current rates for USD to baht, GBP to baht, and more. At that point, people started using the “pee,” a type of currency they could exchange for money at the casinos. King Chulalongkorn wanted to avoid its use, so he introduced a low-value paper currency called “Att Kradat,” while waiting for copper coins that were supposed to come from England. Since then, Thailand’s faced serious currency shortages several times. When King Chulalongkorn arrived in 1873, copper coins of low value were incredibly scarce.
Thai Baht Stats
If you carry USD with you on your trip, you’ll probably need to exchange it before you can spend. The Thai Baht (THB) has been Thailand’s currency since the 19th century. It was originally a unit of weight for gold and was used as a standard for measuring the value of goods. The baht has been a floating currency since the 1997 Asian financial crisis.
Whether you’re a backpacker seeking affordable hostels and street food or a luxury traveler indulging in upscale resorts and gourmet dining, Thailand accommodates all. With careful planning and considering all the budgeting tips we have listed in this blog post, you can unlock the wonders of the Land of Smiles without breaking the bank. Embark on your budget-friendly Thai adventure, where every baht spent leads to unforgettable experiences and memories that last a lifetime.
- Since then, Thailand’s faced serious currency shortages several times.
- This guide covers all you’ll need to know about the official currency in Thailand, where to get it and how to keep your costs down during your trip.
- Because the person on Thai Baht cash is the king of Thailand, it is considered offensive to carry money in your back pocket.
- Following the Asian Financial Crisis that started in 1997, the Bank of Thailand chose to allow the baht to freely float in the foreign exchange market, as opposed to setting a fixed exchange rate value.
- Likewise, if you send money to Thailand, make sure it’s in baht, not in U.S. dollars (USD), British pounds (GBP), or euros (EUR).
- Other actions that might stain the note, such as stepping on, or throwing away notes and coins, are highly offensive.
However, if you are curious about can other currencies be used in Thailand. US Dollars may be possible to use in certain circumstances, such as in some tourist areas, larger hotels, airports. But using US Dollars in Thailand is not so recommended, as you might not get the best exchange rate. The baht is considered one of the strongest Southeast Asian currencies and is one of the most widely used currencies for payments worldwide.
Live Currency Rates
And often when I withdraw money, I think that it quebex is better not to know how much the ATM took for the withdrawal and conversion. Just to make it easier for me, I better think about how much the ATM gave me. While cash remains king in many situations, digital payments are becoming more prevalent, especially in urban areas and popular tourist destinations. Major credit cards are widely accepted in larger establishments, and mobile payment options are gaining popularity. However, it’s wise to have some cash on hand for places that may not accept electronic payments.
The reverse sides of each denomination differ, each carrying an image of a preceding ruler of the country. As of 2020, coins in the Thai baht are minted in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 25, and 50 satangs. The Thai economy expanded at a 5% average annual rate between 1999 and 2005, and GDP growth slowed further to an average annual rate of 3.5%.
Because the person on Thai Baht cash is the king of Thailand, it is considered offensive to carry money in your back pocket. Other actions that might stain the note, such as stepping on, or throwing away notes and coins, are highly offensive. Taking BTS Skytrain and MRT in Bangkok costs from 24 to 42 THB (0.7 to 1.2 USD).
- This law prohibits any verbal, physical, or written act that exhibits disrespectful behavior toward the king or any member of the royal family.
- Thailand, part of mainland Southeast Asia, is popular for its delicious cuisine, religious temples, beautiful beaches, and friendly people.
- The Thai Baht has a rich history that dates back to the 19th century.
- Besides his extensive derivative trading expertise, Adam is an expert in economics and behavioral finance.
- Whether you decide to use a travel debit card from a service like Wise , or stock up on THB in cash in advance, knowing the mid-market exchange rate can help you get the best available deal.
- In 1857, Thailand acquired its first minting machine and Thai silver coins began to be minted in the area.
Convert from Thai Baht (THB) to United States Dollar (USD)
It has become an important unit of account for the global economy. As of 2019, the Thai Baht was the 24th most-traded currency according to the Bank of International Settlements. The U.S. dollar is the currency most used in international transactions. Several countries use the U.S. dollar as their official currency, and many others allow it to be used in a de facto capacity. A baht is also a unit of weight for gold and is commonly used in jewellers and goldsmiths in Thailand.